Category 2PA Operator

Protected Ag Operators not using closed loop irrigation/chemigation systems are referred to as Category 2 PA Operators.

All Category 2PA Operators must register to complete a Declaration of Category 2PA Operation Waiver declaring they are Category 2. This must be completed in order to be eligible to purchase and receive PCP registered products labelled for greenhouse use.

This waiver must be provided to your supplier of PCP product. The Declaration of Category 2PA Operation Waiver should be completed by someone of authority at the operation. To see a sample of the Declaration of Category 2PA Operation Waiver please visit the resources tab.

What do I so if I have multiple locations?

For the purposes of certification, a site is described as one unique location (specific address and/or land location). A site may span multiple addresses and will be considered a single site provided that the sites are adjacent. Each different location (address and/or land location) will be treated as a separate assessment and a separate registration must be completed and a separate waiver will be generated. 

Do I require a Declaration of Category 2PA Operation (CAT2) Waiver if part of my operation is Category 1 (CAT1)?

Some Protected Agriculture (PA) operations have both closed loop systems and other irrigation systems at the same greenhouse site. These sites must register as Category 1 not Category 2. A category 2 waiver is not needed in these cases. 

What happens in 2024 if I do not register for either CAT1 or CAT2?

Starting on March 1, 2024 distributors and retailers of PCP registered products labelled for greenhouse use will be required to either verify a CAT1 operator’s certification status (Temporary certificate or full PAS certificate) prior to selling/shipping products or have confirmation of an operator’s CAT2 waiver prior to selling/shipping products. Ag-retailers must verify PA operators as part of their obligations as a certified AWSA retailer. Failure to do so jeopardizes their retail certification which they are required to maintain.