Find an Auditor
The AWSA has a trained a field force auditors to conduct biennial audits of the various programs under AWSA management. Use the search form below to find auditors and the programs that they are certified to audit. Facilities can select any of the auditors listed below. The onus is on the warehouse operators to contact and book audits. Please note that auditors do travel to other provinces. Please Clear Search before selecting another category
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Fieldstone Inspection Services
47 Hookway Cres. Canada Winnipeg MB R3R 3R8 work
Work Phone: 431 293-0080work
Work Email: rpajot@mymts.netINTERNET
Categories: Accredited Seed Treatment Operations Standards, Agrichemical Warehousing Standards
Categories: Accredited Seed Treatment Operations Standards, Agrichemical Warehousing Standards, Calcium Ammonium Nitrate Code, Protected Ag
1901 North Shore Rd North Bay ON P1B 8G4 Canadahome
Work Phone: 705 476-5836work
Work Fax: 705 498-9552workfax
Work Email: jack1901phillips@hotmail.comINTERNET
Categories: Accredited Seed Treatment Operations Standards, Agrichemical Warehousing Standards, Calcium Ammonium Nitrate Code
PO Box 1630 Meville Saskatchewan S0A 2P0 work
Work Phone: 306-728-3705work
Work Email: mel.ev@sasktel.netINTERNET
Categories: Accredited Seed Treatment Operations Standards